DentaNet Hands-On Days – Fredag 30. september – Lørdag 1. oktober

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Niveau: Videregående Point: 12

DentaNet Hands-On Days – Fredag 30. september – Lørdag 1. oktober 




Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.09.01

Fredag 30. september – Lørdag 1. oktober 2016 


4 hands-on kurser på 2 dage

– vælg dit eget program ud fra 8 titler


DentaNet Hands-On Days bliver holdt d. 30. september og 1. oktober 2016 i DGI-byen i København. Der vil være en blanding af titler og undervisning på dansk og engelsk.

I løbet af de to dage deltager du i 4 forskellige hands-on kurser: Et fredag formiddag, et fredag eftermidag, et lørdag formiddag og et lørdag eftermiddag.

Hver titel har på en enkelt session plads til 20 deltagere, hvilket vil sige, at hvert titel i løbet af de to dage kan nå at få 80 deltagere igennem.

Det er med til at gøre, at vi kan holde prisen langt nede i forhold til normale hands-on kurser. En stor tak til DentaNets Samarbejdspartnere og Sponsorer for at give input og være med til at sætte programmet sammen for dette helt nye koncept.

Der er 8 kursustitler. Du bestemmer selv, hvilke 4 kursustitler du finder mest interessante og vil deltage på. Når vi har alle tilmeldingerne, pusler vi rækkefølgen af dine kurser sammen, så alle når deres ønsker.

Du vælger også et enkelt ”back-up” kursus (5. titel), hvis vi i mod forventning får brug for det.

Da der i sagens natur er begrænset antal pladser, er det ”først til mølle”-princippet, der gælder.

Husk at tilmelde dig Netværksmiddag med temafest om fredagen!


Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.21.54


Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.24.44

The Iconic Solution-Maximising Minimal Intervention

Historically, patients who have been affected by white lesions on their teeth have had to resort to invasive dentistry to mask them. As we all know, restorations have a finite life span and will eventually need replacing so the less we need to do to teeth the better.

Due to modern advancements in dental materials and techniques, white spots can be removed in truly a minimally invasive way using resin infiltration.

This lecture and hands-on will look at how resin infiltration can be used in every day practice to great effect in the treatment of superficial and also deep white spot lesions.


  • To recognize the different types of white lesions and their etiology.
  • Understand the science behind resin infiltration.
  • How to treat a simple case.
  • Complex white lesions-deep infiltration and when resin infiltration is not the answer.
  • Dealing with brown lesions.
  • Isolation.
  • Time management and costing cases.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.27.58


Dr. Richard FieldSkærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.29.01
Richard Field graduated from the university of Glasgow in 2011 and works as an Associate at Advance Dental Clinic in Chelmsford. Richard is a member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and has a special interest in minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry, especially short-term orthodontics and anterior composite restorations.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23


Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.38.18

(R)-Evolution in Dental Surgery

The Magnetic Mallet is a totally innovative instrument for dental and implant surgery, the main applications of which are in maxillary sinus lift, in protocols of vertical and horizontal bone compaction and expansion and, more generally, in all cases where the surgical hammer is normally used.

The device makes use of electromagnetic impact, which allows a high-intensity and brief impact force such as to obtain plastic deformation of the bone, but without spreading throughout the skull, as usually occurs with the blows of the surgical hammer. In this way the use of the Magnetic Mallet prevents the so-called benign paroxysmal vertigo syndrome, that is the post-operative symptom of vertiginous nature.

The 4 different working intensities offered by the instrument allow the surgeon to modulate the force according to the type of operation and the receiving bone, proceeding with a greater safety margin and higher precision. Moreover, the pre-set intensities allow a repeatability of protocols that is very difficult or even impossible to achieve with manual instruments.


  • Placing implants.
  • Split crest.
  • Sinus lifting.
  • Extraction of abutments.
  • Tooth extraction.
  • Crown and bridge removal.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.41.38



Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.44.43Professor Roberto Crespi
Professor Roberto Crespi DMD, PhD, University of Milano. Dr. Roberto Crespi was born 1945 and is Post Graduate in Patology, European Master in Science in Oral Surgery and Clinical Professor in Dentistry at San Raffaele University, Milano, Italy. He has won the William R. Laney Award 2015 and serves on many editorial boards including the Editorial Board of The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (JOMI), Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, Illinois (USA), The Editorial Board of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23

-Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.50.45

-The Dentist as an Artist-Technician

A whistle stop tour of anterior and posterior resin: very intensive with large hands on component.

Dentistry is a branch of medicine, which encompasses science, art and mechanical engineering: the competent operator must be a master of all three disciplines. Dr. Smithson’s presentation covers the art of the anterior direct composite describing the protocol required to produce a class 4 restoration that is invisible to the human eye. This is followed by a more technical analysis of the process required to prepare and place a posterior composite resin restoration, which requires no or little occlusal adjustment. Finally, a novel technique is outlined which allows rapid restoration of deep class 1 cavities without post-operative sensitivity.


The three main problems encountered by all dentists in direct resin placement are:

  • How to achieve invisible restorations.
  • How to avoid post operative sensitivity.
  • How to place adjustment free restorations.

Hands-on component:

  • The class1.
  • The class4.

This hands-on lecture is suitable for all levels.


Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.53.31

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.53.42


Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.55.03Dr. Jason Smithson
Jason Smithson qualified at the Royal London Hospital in 1995; achieving a number of awards including The Constance Klein Memorial, The Stafford Millar, and The Malcolm Jenkins Scholarships, The American Association of Endodontic Prize and the Overall Award for Clinical Dentistry.

After spending 3 years in oral surgery residency in London and a further year practicing restorative dentistry in London’s Harley Street Medical District, he relocated to Cornwall in the extreme southwest of England. Jason practices at Pure Dental Health and Wellbeing, Cornwall, UK where his main focus is microscope enhanced adhesive dentistry. He is Clinical Director of The Post-Graduate Certificate in Restorative Dentistry at The Academy of Clinical Excellence in partnership with The Peninsula Dental School, Cornwall, UK and is a Post- Graduate Clinical Lecturer in both the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly and Plymouth Foundation Dental Practitioners Schemes. 

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 16.09.13


Fiber-reinforced Composite Restorations – a Cookbook for Creative Dentistry with Fun and Predictable Esthetic Results

Fiber reinforcement of composite is a modern alternative to conventional prosthetic techniques. This technology offers unique options for various indications and a fast and solid help in emergency cases, such as the replacement of a knocked out central incisor. The technique is easy to implement for each practitioner and provides a wide range of solutions.


Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 16.09.55



Theoretical part:

  • Modern options with fiber-reinforced composites: economic, successful and long lasting.
  • Direct and indirect fiber-reinforced bridges.
  • Periodontal splinting.
  • Orthodontic retainers.


  • Long-term temporaries.
  • Build up a fiber-reinforced composite bridge.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 16.12.16 1


Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 16.14.39Dr. Stephan Höfer
Stephan Höfer, Dentist, Cologne, Germany, has been working in his own practice in Cologne, Germany since 1995. Hiswork includes all parts of dentistry, but a special focus is on especially on adhesive dentistry and Implantology. Dr. Höfer is frequently giving lectures in Germany and abroad.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23

Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.14.46

Large Class IV Restorations

The hands-on course will provide the participants with a contemporary anatomical layering technique, that will merge aesthetic excellence, simplicity, and economical considerations.


Handling translucency, creation of mammelons, halo effects, opalescence, special effects (i.e. fluorosis, enamel cracks), efficient finishing and polishing: All this will be demonstrated and practiced in the course with an easy-to-learn technique. Clear instructions will be given on preparation, handling contamination of restorative surfaces, etc. This course will boost your skills in direct restorations.


Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.17.36


Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.18.46

Dr. Stephan Höfer
Markus Lenhard started his career in 1992 as associate professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology at Heidelberg University in Germany. Later he headed the Department of Clinical Education at Ivoclar Vivadent. During that time Dr. Lenhard kept on teaching at Heidelberg University, and was until 2010 active as associate lecturer at the department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology. Since 2003 Dr. Lenhard practices in a private clinic in Switzerland. He is member of the Editorial board of Estetica and the European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. He has given more the 450 lectures in 44 countries worldwide and published in numerous dental journals.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23

Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.21.27

En workshop i digital aftrykstagning, fuldkeramik og cementering (dansk kursus)

Der er næppe nogen, der længere kan være i tvivl om, at digitaliseringsbølgen har ramt aftryksteknikken. Og med god grund, for med denne teknik opnår man en lang række fordele:

  • Hurtigere og mere præcise aftryk.
  • Færre gener for patienten.
  • Tættere og mere direkte samarbejde med laboratoriet og/eller egen fremstilling på klinikken.
  • Reducerede omkostninger pr. led.

Alt i alt vil der være kortere vej til den endelige krone.

Med fuldkeramik kan der fremstilles æstetiske restaureringer med høj og pålidelig styrke. Behandlingsmulighederne er mange, og der kommer hele tiden nyheder til som fx abutment- løsninger og multifarvede blokke.

For bedste resultat med fuldkeramikken er det også vigtigt at vælge den rigtige cement.
På kurset får du svar på, hvilken cement der passer bedst til de forskellige fuldkeramiske restaureringstyper, forskellen på æstetisk og universal cement samt proceduren for korrekt cementering – uanset om det er adhæsivt eller konventionelt.


Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.23.23


Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.31.43



Pia Eis, Salgschef, Nordenta

  • Velkommen og introduktion til workshoppen.
  • Introduktion til Nordenta Lab og de to produktionslinjer - den oversøiske og den digitale.

Karl Arne Schneider, tekniker, Ivoclar Vivadent Technical

  • Restaureringstyper – mulighed for at skabe unikke æstetiske restaureringer med høj mekanisk styrke.
  • Vigtigheden af korrekt kommunikation mellem tandlæge og tandtekniker.
  • Farveprøvetagning og præparation til fuldkeramiske restaureringer.

Karl Arne Schneider, tekniker, Ivoclar Vivadent Technical og Tina Ekberg, tekniker, Nordenta LAB

  • Hands-on.
  • Stain & glaze.

Pia Eis, Salgschef, Nordenta

  • Forbehandling og cementering af de nye restaureringstyper.
  • Hvordan sikres et langtidsholdbart og højæstetisk resultat.

Claus Nielsen, Produktspecialist CAD/CAM, Nordenta

  • CAD CAM – hvor står vi i dag?
  • Hvilke fordele opnås ved at benytte digital aftrykstagning?
  • Præsentation af udvalget af Sironas kameraer til digitalt aftryk samt Nordentas stærke digitale koncept.
  • Hvordan kan din klinik komme i gang med digitalt aftryk uden at skulle have en krone op af lommen?


  • Scanning med Cerec digitale aftryksscannere.
  • Indtegning af præparationsgrænse.



Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.35.36Pia Eis
Salgschef hos Nordenta, forbrugsvarer og LAB.



Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.37.00

Karl-Arne Schneider
Er uddannet laboratorie tandtekniker i 1971, og har siden 1981 arbejdet som tandteknisk demonstrator og kursgiver for Ivoclar Vivadent.


Claus Nielsen
Startede i dentalbranchen i 2003 som servicetekniker og er i dag Nordentas produkt- specialist i CAD/CAM & røntgen. 

Tina Ekberg
Er uddannet laboratorie tandtekniker i 2006, og har siden 2013 arbejdet som tekniker på Nordenta LAB primært med digitale aftryk og fuldkeramik.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23

  Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.45.00

Anterior Alignment Orthodontics – Full Assessment and Diagnosis with Digital Planning

Being able to align anterior teeth is a critical skill in contemporary smile design since it enables a minimally invasive approach to create aesthetic natural smiles . General dentists can acquire the simple orthodontic skills to be able to offer this to their patients. However case selection is critical and this can only be achieved by carrying out a full orthodontic assessment and diagnosis in order to treatment plan correctly. This is a fundamental medico legal requirement.


The aims of the course are:

  • Understand the orthodontic records required.
  • Learn how to carry out an orthodontic assessment and how to document it.
  • How to digitally evaluate the space requirements needed in a crowded case and analyse the anterior occlusion.
  • Understand how anterior alignment only orthodontics differs from ideal orthodontics and the pros and cons.
  • How to formulate a case diagnosis, a problem list and then create an ideal treatment plan and a compromised anterior alignment only treatment plan.
  • Undertake hands on exercises using case studies.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.48.58

Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.50.18

Dr. Tif Qureshi
Tif Qureshi qualified from Kings College London in 1992. He is the former President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Tif has a special interest in simple orthodontics using removable appliances and was the first dentist in the UK to pioneer the Inman Aligner and is co-director of Intelligent Alignment System (IAS).

Tif also pioneered the technique of combined alignment bleaching and bonding (ABB) and has been a major force in developing the concept of progressive smile design. He now lectures nationally and internationally and has had many articles published on these subjects. Tif is also a Fellow of the International Academy of Facial and Dental Esthetics.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.50.56

Dr. Anoop Maini
Anoop Maini has been offering cosmetic orthodontics to his patients for 8 years in private practice in London’s West End. He has trained over a 1000 dentists internationally on this technique and is currently is part of the teaching faculty for the IAS Academy offering general dentists training in orthodontics He is the founding president of the European society of aesthetic orthodontics and the immediate past president of the British academy of Cosmetic dentistry.Skærmbillede 2016-01-25 kl. 15.26.23

 Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.56.26

Treating the Worn Dentition Predictably and Economically with Composite Restorations

Today we are faced with an epidemic of worn teeth and it’s likely to get worse! The population is living longer and expecting to keep their teeth in health & function for the rest of their life. And they want to look good too! But tooth wear often comes with many problems:

  • How do we make space for the restorations?
  • It affects multiple teeth.
  • How do we design the occlusion so that the restorations last? 

Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.57.58



In this hands-on program you will:

  • Understand the importance of the complete examination.
  • Be guided through a step-by-step treatment planning protocol.
  • Learn how to create a simple diagnostic wax up.
  • Learn how to make stents to allow easy placement of composite restorations.
  • Use the stents to place simple and effective composite restorations on models.
  • Understand how to make the occlusion work.
  • Understand the basics of bonding successful restorations.

Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 09.59.47


Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 10.01.09Dr. Ian Buckle
Dr. Ian Buckle, has almost 30 years experience in general practice both in the Private sector and with the National Health Service. He runs a Private Practice on comprehensive reconstructive, aesthetic and implant dentistry. Ian is also Director of The Dawson Academy UK and teaches dentists around the world the foundations of ’Complete Dentistry’. He lectures nationally and internationally on functional and aesthetic dentistry.

He spends approximately two-thirds of his time in practice and the other third as an educator. He believes this balance keeps him on the leading edge of both disciplines.



Før 1. apr.: 8.000 DKK
Før 1. jun.: 10.000 DKK
Før 1. sep.: 12.000 DKK
DentaNet medlemmer får 10% på deltagergebyret.



Tilmelding på de enkelte kursertitler lukker, når kursustitlen er fyldt. Der er max 20 pladser pr. session, dvs. 80 pladser i alt for hver enkelt titel.

Alle tilmeldinger lukker efter 1. september af hensyn til den praktiske planlægning. 


Netværksmiddag med temafest

Sted: DGI-byen
Tid: 19.00
Gebyr: 1.000 DKK
Inkl. 3 retter, vin, kaffe og avec.


DGI-byen hotel

Enkeltværelse: 1.100 DKK
Dobbeltværelse: 1.350 DKK
inklusiv morgenmad

Hotel kan bookes frem til 1. september.



Skærmbillede 2016-01-26 kl. 10.20.47



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